Thursday, August 20, 2015

Seven Quick Takes about My Kids

seven quick takes friday 2

1.  My older daughter heads back to college today.  She's happy to be going, I'm glad she's happy but I'm going to miss her--and not just because she has been cooking dinner all summer.

2.  We went through out parish school today recruiting for Girl Scouts.  Hope we get a good turn out next week.  I'm not sure yet what I'm going to be doing this year, but it will be leading either Daisies (K-1) or Brownies (2-3).  It will depend on how many kids, how many other volunteers and who knows what other factors.  Last year my plan was to lead a Brownie troop but when we did recruitment we only ended up with three Brownies, and about 15 Daisies.  I decided to be a good sport and take the Daisies (I had hated my first run through Daisies--the program is very weak and I had never worked with kids that young) and ended up having a great time.  I figure God will inspire me about which group to tackle when the time comes.  My younger daughter is a Cadette and our parish has long-term established leadership for that group so they really don't need me, and my daughter does better without me.

3.  However, I am going to teach the Cadettes how to sew this year.  We are taking them to Washington DC this summer so we are doing a bunch of fundraisers.  I've figured out how to make fabric gift bags and I think they should be something we could sell to someone other than close friends and family.

4.  I wrote a post on my financial planning blog about long term care for handicapped adult children.  It is a topic that I need to consider because my son is on the autism spectrum.

5.  My youngest is in sixth grade.  It is hard to believe--I still think of her as the baby but she's defintely not--the whole puberty thing got started this summer and I think she grew a couple of inches.  She's going to be tall.

6.  My older daughter put one of the advantages of going to a smaller school to work today.  She was having trouble registering--she's been trying for several weeks and needs approvals and can't get people to return her emails.  Well, today she facebook messaged the university president, who took her number and said that someone will call her tomorrow and get things done.

7.  I'm handling PR for our parish and parish school (where my youngest is a student).  I'm trying to put together a social media campaign for our upcoming craft fair but I can't explain what it is or what I hope to accomplish to the lady running it, who barely checks her facebook page.

Join other Quick Takers over at This Aint the Lyceum.


  1. One thing I did to help me keep track of my social media for my blog and blog posts was I created a spreadsheet for all the things I post to my facebook page. It's in google drive and I'd be happy to share it with you.

    I'm going to go read that financial blog you write..I love reading financial's the accountant in me.

    I remember girl scouts..I did it up until about 4th grade. It kind of died out then or well I think there was a falling out and a lot of girls joined another troup so I just kind of stopped doing it. I remember enjoying the things I did with them because I loved all the crafts we did.

    I went with my mom a few years ago to a training about the catholic badges the girls and boys can earn. It was really interesting and thought it was a wonderful addition to the program.

    1. I "get" social media; it's trying to explain it to people who never use it, or who have accounts they barely check.

    2. agreed! LOL been there done that.


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